Group chat questions are also a great way to stay up-to-date on events and get some advice from people who are knowledgeable or experienced in a certain field. Let’s explore more about group chats, group discussions, and some of the spicy, saucy, funny, deep questions for the group chats to connect with people naturally.

What is a group chat?

A group chat is an online conversation between two or more people. It might be a Google Hangout, an online meeting in which you can see each other on video, or just a simple text conversation. Group chats can be one-on-one or they can be several people chatting at once. The beauty of group chats is that they allow friends and family members to stay in touch with each other without being distracted by the rest of their lives. You can keep up with what everyone’s doing without having to constantly check your phone for text messages or emails. Plus, it’s easy for everyone involved to join in! A lot has changed since we started using group chats. Now it’s not just about sending text messages, but about sending images, videos, GIFs, and everything else you can imagine. You can also use group chats to plan events or meetings and create polls and surveys in your group’s chat. Also read: 100+ Conversation starters for groups (Group chats, topics and questions for any situation)

Tips for Group Chats:

Group chats can be useful in so many ways. If you’re looking for tips on how to use group chats more effectively, then read on.

Know the purpose of your group chat

Before joining a group chat, think about why you want to join it.

Is it just for fun?Are you trying to make new friends?Do you need help with something?

Once you know why you’re joining the group chat, it will be easier for others in the chat to understand what they should do. For example, if you’re joining a group chat because you need help with professional work or personal problems, then don’t expect everyone else to just talk about their weekends or their favorite music artists (unless they want to). Instead, try asking questions about things that are relevant to your needs at that moment — such as “how do I write this email?” Or “how do I get over my fear?

Ask questions for the group chat that make people tick.

People love talking about themselves, especially if it helps them connect with others around them. Ask questions like: “What do you think about the “Current trend” on [insert your interests]? “What was your favorite memory from high school?” “Have you ever considered starting your own online business, if so which field?” These kinds of questions will get people to share stories and memories throughout the course of your discussion. It is important to have a good topic for each group discussion so that it is relevant to everyone in the group chat. Use the following icebreaker questions when you have a group chat:

What do you think about _____?

What was the best part of _____?

What did you learn from _____?

Have you heard of ______?

Questions for the group chat

Here is a list of great conversation starter questions for the group chat:

  1. “How do you deal with your lowest moments while you’re struggling?” The best conversations happen when you ask questions, and it’s so much easier to get to know someone when you ask them questions that make them feel like they’re the most important person in the world. This question would be a good way to start off the conversation, especially if you’re on a date with someone new. Plus, it’s also a great icebreaker!
  2. “What do you think of ___?” This question is one of my favorites because it lets me know how much they think about what I’m saying and how much they pay attention to me. It also encourages them to share their thoughts and opinions on whatever I’ve said or done.
  3. “What’s your instagram handle and which social media app do you use more?” This is another question that gets people talking in the group chat. You’ll learn more about each other by asking questions than by just passively listening while knowing their online usage preferences.  Plus, this question can also be used as a poll or survey by asking them to add their own favorite options!

Deep group chat questions

These are some interesting questions for the group chat that make your mind elite and keep you in perspective:

  1. What do you wish for most of all in this world and why do you wish for it so much that you would sacrifice anything to get it?
  2. In your opinion, what makes a person good or bad and why does he/she deserve to be treated badly?
  3. What is the purpose of anything that doesn’t make any sense of doing it?
  4. What makes a family, family?
  5. Why is there evil in the world?
  6. Why are we here?
  7. Is there such a thing as a soul?
  8. If there is an afterlife, is it peaceful?
  9. Are we alone in the Universe?
  10. Why do we have so many problems on earth?
  11. How can one know if they found their soulmate?
  12. What would you do, if you gonna live forever? 
  13. What do you wish for most of all in this world and why do you wish for it so much that you would sacrifice anything to get it? 
  14. In your opinion, what makes a person good or bad, and why does he/she deserve to be treated badly or well by someone else if he/she deserves it or not if he/she deserves it or not if he/she deserves it or not if he/she deserves
  15. What makes a family, family?
  16. Why is there evil in the world?
  17. Why are we here?
  18. Is there such a thing as a soul?
  19. Do we live after death?
  20. Are we alone in the Universe?
  21. If so, why do we have so many problems on earth?
  22. How can one know if they have a soul or not?
  23. What happens when we die?
  24. Who is the most successful person you know personally, and what can we learn them?
  25. What was a time when you felt like giving up but didn’t? Why did you persevere instead of giving up?
  26. If you could go back in time and give advice to yourself at age 17, what would it be?
  27. What do you wish your parents knew about life when they were younger so that they could have been better prepared for what comes next?
  28. Do you feel like your values align with those of your friends or family members? If not, how much does it bother you? How do you think this may affect your relationship with them in the future if things don’t change?
  29. If there was one thing you could change about yourself today, what would it be and why (if there’s anything at all)?
  30. Is there something else that bothers people about you that they don’t tell you because they’re afraid to offend or hurt your feelings?
  31. Have you ever thought about how many different types of people there are on this planet, and why they exist in their own specific ways?

Spicy questions for the group chat

Here is a list of spicy group chat questions to ask

  1. How often do you get ‘wet dreams’ and whom do you dream about?
  2. Do you have the habit of not wearing underwear?
  3. Do you like redheads or brunettes more?
  4. How often do you touch yourself?
  5. Have you ever thought of making out with the same gender?
  6. What turns you on?
  7. “Can I kiss you on your special parts?”
  8. “Will you be available to make out with me next weekend?”
  9. Can I touch your hair or face in any way I want?
  10. Have you ever thought of kissing your crush?
  11. If I were to tell you to stop what you were doing and just look at me, would you?
  12. If I gave you a choice between a naked long drive and sensual touching which would you choose?
  13. What romantic songs are you listening to right now?
  14. What’s something that people do that makes you think they’re so hot?
  15. Which is more romantic: making out in public or in theatre? Also read: 100 Spicy questions for the group chat that turn you on instantly

Saucy questions for the group chat

These are some romantic and saucy questions for the group chat:

  1. How do you like your body in the morning?
  2. Send them your photo and ask “How do I look?”
  3. “Do you like my body when I wear nothing?”
  4. “What do you think about me so far tonight?”
  5. “Do you like my hair or my eyes? What about my clothes? 
  6. Have you ever tried a threesome?
  7. What do you want to do to me, if I allow you to touch me?
  8. Have you ever thought of tearing my clothes off? 9.  What turns you on to think in a kinky way?
  9. What’s the weirdest place you want to make out with your ex? Also read: 150+ Saucy questions for the group chat to spice up the conversation

Questions for the group chat who is more likely

Here is a list of who is more likely questions for the group chat:

  1. Who is more likely to go to the movies?
  2. Who is more likely to be a speed-runner?
  3. Who is more likely to have a job in the future?
  4. Who is more likely to be overweight?
  5. Who is more likely to live in an apartment?
  6. Who is more likely to be a vegetarian?
  7. Who is more likely to own a smartphone?
  8. Who is more likely to have a job in the future?
  9. Who is more likely to be overweight?
  10. Who is more likely to live in an apartment?
  11. Who is more likely to own a smartphone?
  12. Who is less likely to think about suicide now than before the conversation started?
  13. Who is more likely to be a narcissist?
  14. Who is more likely to have low self-esteem?
  15. Who is more likely to be a psychopath?
  16. Who is more likely to be an alcoholic?
  17. Who is more likely to use drugs?
  18. Who is more likely to be violent?
  19. Who is more likely to be a s#x addict?
  20. Who is more likely to have an IED for their partner/spouse/partner’s mom or dad? (If you don’t know what an IED is read the definition in the comments section below.)
  21. Who is more likely to have an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia)?
  22. Who is more likely to have bipolar disorder (manic depression)?
  23. Who does not fit any of these categories but who has had problems with their family or friends in the past year?

Funny group chat questions

Here is a list of weird and funny questions for the group chat:

  1. How do you pronounce “son of a gun”?
  2. Why do we need to use both sides of a sheet of paper?
  3. Why is it called “the window shade” when it’s always drawn?
  4. How many miles per hour is Mach 1?
  5. If bean oil is made from beans and vegetable oil is made from vegetables. What is baby oil made from?
  6. If you born again do you have two belly buttons?
  7. If you are allergic to cats and dogs, does that mean that you are also allergic to rabbits?
  8. What color is a blue whale’s skin?
  9. Why do we sleep at night, if we can see in the daytime?
  10. If a dog has fleas, does a cat have cats?
  11. Is there a difference between a lawyer and an accountant?
  12. How do you get around in the snow without skis or snow shoes?
  13. Is it true that if you rub peanut butter on your dog’s fur and then put him outside in the rain, he’ll never come back in?
  14. How many cows are there in the world today?
  15. How many people were killed by bees last year in the United States alone?
  16. What is the difference between a goldfish and a fish that has been painted gold?
  17. Why can’t we see our toes when we wear socks on our feet while sleeping at night? (This question was asked by my son.)
  18. What happens when you take two big balls of yarn, tie one end to each ball of yarn, then push them together so they become one big ball of yarn but still have both ends attached to
  19. If a dog has fleas, does a cat have cats?
  20. Is there a difference between a lawyer and an accountant?
  21. How do you get around in the snow without skis or snow shoes?
  22. Is it true that if you rub peanut butter on your dog’s fur and then put him outside in the rain, he’ll never come back in?
  23. How people were killed by bees last year in the United States alone?
  24. What is the difference between a goldfish and a fish that has been painted gold?
  25. Why can’t we see our toes when we wear socks on our feet while sleeping at night? (This question was asked by my son.)
  26. What happens when you take two big balls of yarn, tie one end to each ball of yarn, then push them together so they become one big ball of yarn but still have both ends attached?

Group chat questions survey

The following are some good survey questions for the group chat:

  1. What are your 3 biggest goals in life?
  2. What is the best thing that happened during the last month?
  3. What’s the most expensive item you’ve ever purchased?
  4. What was the last thing you bought that made you feel guilty?
  5. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
  6. What do you think the future looks like?
  7. Who are three people that have changed your life?
  8. What do you want to accomplish in the next five years? In ten years? In twenty years? In thirty years?
  9. When was the last time someone told you that they loved you or appreciated something about yourself? What did they say/do to show this appreciation or love?
  10. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
  11. What kind of music do you listen to in the shower?
  12. How much time do you spend in the shower?
  13. Do you prefer to exercise with weights or with cardio equipment?
  14. Do you know how many calories are in a specific food item that you eat on a regular basis (e.g., orange juice)?
  15. Is there anything that you would change about yourself if given the chance? If so, what would it be?

Tiktok questions for group chat

List of TikTok questions for the group chat:

  1. Would you rather have a million dollars or be able to teleport?
  2. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
  3. Tell me one thing that will make this world a better place by 2050?
  4. What makes you happy?
  5. Who are your heroes and why are they your heroes?
  6. What are some things that most people don’t know about you but should know?
  7. Do you think people can change for the better or do they always remain the same person over time?
  8. What are three things that make someone special in your eyes?
  9. What’s the most important thing you need to do today?
  10. Is there anything blocking you from accomplishing those goals today? If so, what is it and how can you remove it?

Whatsapp questions for the group chat

The following are some interesting group chat questions for WhatsApp, instagram, facebook or any other social media app:

  1. Have you ever been absent-minded?
  2. Would you rather be rich or poor?
  3. What is your worst habit?
  4. What is your favorite memory of childhood?
  5. If someone asked you to do something illegal, would you do it?
  6. What is the most important thing in life?
  7. Where would you want to live if there was no other choice but where you are now? That’s right, nowhere else! (This one’s really hard.)
  8. Are you happy with who you are right now? If not, what would change your mind about who you are right now?
  9. If there were only one thing left on this earth for me to do before I died, what would that be? (I know this sounds morbid, but I’m serious!)
  10. How would your life be different if you were rich?
  11. Have you ever thought about living in another country?
  12. Would you rather be rich or poor?
  13. What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you at work?
  14. If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?
  15. Have you ever had an argument with someone over the phone or online chat and if so, who was it with, and what was the outcome of this argument/conversation/chat session/conversation/chatting session etc.?

Best questions for group chat

Here is a list of best questions for group chat:

  1. What is the most dangerous thing in the world?
  2. What is the most beautiful thing in the world?
  3. How would you describe your personality?
  4. Who are you closest to in this world?
  5. What do you think about when you look at a cloud?
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. Why did you choose this career? 
  8. What is your favorite color? 
  9. Who is your favorite musician/band? 
  10. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? Why there and why now? 
  11. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why would you use it?
  12. How do you spend your time when no one is around (when everyone else is sleeping or out of town)? If no one is around, what do people usually do when they are bored or don’t have anything to do?
  13. How old were your parents when they got married, how old were they when they had their first child, etc.?
  14. Have you ever been in a fight/argument with someone over something stupid? How did it go? What was said and done by both parties, who won, etc.? 
  15. Who was the first person that told you “I love you”? 
  16. What’s the weirdest thing that has happened today at work? 
  17. How many times do you think your partner said “I love you” so far today (or yesterday)?
  18. Do you feel like we’re being watched right now at this moment together with our eyes closed or open (and if so, why)?

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Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.