A soulmate is one of those terms people sometimes roll their eyes at. Seriously? There’s this one person out there who is meant for you and only you — and you for them? The idea there’s one person with whom you instantly fall in love without regrets and who never disagrees or challenges you is not how a soulmate relationship works. But there’s no denying the fact that your heart starts to do things it never did before when you meet a person who seems to think, act, believe, and, yes, love like you do. You know them instinctively, and you connect with them on an ethereal level. And through that connection, your experiences expand on a love-filled esoteric level, as well as a pragmatic level.

62 Soulmate Quotes to Inspire Love and Intimacy

The bond between you and your soulmate becomes unbreakable because you both experience life and learn life lessons in the same way. Intrigued by the notion of finding a soulmate? Do you have a soulmate of your own? Use these quotes to learn more.

Spiritual Soulmate Quotes

  1. A soul mate is not found. A soul mate is recognized. – Vironika Tugaleva
  2. A soul mate is… someone whose way of viewing life is not necessarily the same as yours but complements yours… there is not a compromise, there is a complement. – Paul Robear
  3. A soulmate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace. – Thomas Moore
  4. A soulmate is the one person whose love is powerful enough to motivate you to meet your soul, to do the emotional work of self-discovery, of awakening. – Kenny Loggins
  5. Before you find your soul mate, you must first discover your soul. – Charles F. Glassman
  6. Have you ever felt really close to someone? So close that you can’t understand why you and the other person have two separate bodies, two separate skins? – Nancy Garden
  7. Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don’t fool. – Robert Brault
  8. I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. Maybe we’re from the same star. – Emery Allen
  9. If we’d never met, I think I would have known my life wasn’t complete. And I would have wandered the world in search of you, even if I didn’t know who I was looking for. ― Nicholas Sparks
  10. I’m convinced my heart knew who it belonged to, long before I met her. – Karla Campos

Best Friend Soulmate Quotes

  1. In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine. – Maya Angelou
  2. It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being. – John Joseph Powell
  3. I’ve never had to ask a thing from you, as everything you’ve ever fed my soul was love. – Karen A. Baquiran
  4. Love is but the discovery of ourselves in another, and the delight in the recognition. – Alexander Smith
  5. Ocean separates lands, not souls. – Munia Khan
  6. Our lives may not have fit together, but ohhh did our souls know how to dance… – K. Towne Jr.
  7. Our soul… direct us to individuals who share our purpose in life, complement our strengths, and supplement our weaknesses. But there is no guarantee that these ideal mates are going to look the way we expect, or be of our own background. – Carolyn Miller
  8. The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind I was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. -Rumi
  9. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. – Elizabeth Gilbert Relationship Questions To Ask For Intimacy 105 Love Messages For Your Wife (or partner) 65 Short Positive Quotes To Brighten Your Day

Sayings about Soulmates

  1. Rather than being about excitement and lust, a soul mate relationship is characterized by such things as a shared life path, a sense of comfort and ease, and a genuine liking of each other. – Katherine Woodward Thomas
  2. Soul mates are those that we’ve known many lifetimes, have had many karmic contracts with, and with whom we have resolved conflicts. Marriage partners may or may not be soul mates, though they will be a soul contract. With true soul mates, there is no struggle. What’s left over is love. – Karen M. Black
  3. Soulmates aren’t the ones who make you happiest, no. They’re instead the ones who make you feel the most. Burning edges and scars and stars. Old pangs, captivation and beauty. Strain and shadows and worry and yearning. Sweetness and madness and dreamlike surrender. They hurl you into the abyss. They taste like hope. ― Victoria Erickson
  4. The soulmate is what we aspire to and like to understand about ourself, is what we deem to be perfection, purity, and endless love. – Sorin Cerin
  5. There are no accidental meetings between souls. – Sheila Burke
  6. To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting, take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect. – Criss Jami
  7. True love is finding your soulmate in your best friend. – Faye Hall
  8. We recognize a soulmate by the supreme level of comfort and security we feel with that person. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t issues that remain to be ironed out. Rather, it means we know intuitively that we can resolve issues with our soul mate without losing his or her love and respect. – Linda Brady
  9. We were just two broken souls trying to fix one another…Somehow I ended up with a piece of you and you me. – Evy Michaels
  10. When deep down in the core of your being you believe that your soulmate exists, there is no limit to the ways he or she can enter your life. – Arielle Ford
  11. You are not supposed to go out and find love. Love will find you when you are ready. – Suzy Kassem
  12. “Our universe grants every soul a twin-a reflection of themselves – the kindred spirit – And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other- even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love.” – Julie Dillon
  13. “I couldn’t imagine that I’d ever fall in love again like I had with Gideon. For better or worse, he was my soulmate. The other half of me. In many ways, he was my reflection.” – Sylvia Day
  14. “A bond between souls is ancient – older than the planet.” – Dianna Hardy
  15. “I recognized you instantly. All of our lives flashed through my mind in a split second. I felt a pull so strongly towards you that I almost couldn’t stop it.” – J. Sterling
  16. “We meet our soulmates when we’re on our soul path.” – Karen M. Black
  17. “A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever. It’s the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would.” – Dawson Leery
  18. “Soul mates are muses. The people in your life you despise, disrespect, and desire the most.” – Coco J. Ginger
  19. “What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined for life … to strengthen each other … to be at one with each other in silent, unspeakable memories.” – George Eliot
  20. “Marriage is miserable unless you find the right person that is your soul mate and that takes a lot of looking.” – Marvin Gaye
  21. “Though soulmates aren’t looking for you, they will find you.” – Kevin Ansbro
  22. “A soulmate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the soul picks up again in various times and places over lifetimes.” – Edgar Cayce
  23. “Sometimes, soulmates may meet, stay together until a task or life lesson is completed, and then move on. This is not a tragedy, only a matter of learning.” – Brian L. Weiss
  24. “A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks.” – Richard Bach
  25. “The soulmate doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship. Sometimes in life, you meet people when you need them, and there is an immediate connection.” – Alison G. Bailey
  26. “I believe everyone has a soulmate that they can spend the rest of their life together.” – Ryan Lochte
  27. “A soulmate will never leave you. They will always be apart of your life until one day the chance is given for them to become your life. It is then you will become one.” – Faye Hall
  28. “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” – Aristotle
  29. “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” – Judy Garland
  30. “Some souls just understand each other upon meeting.” – N. R. Hart
  31. “Soul mates may be linked, but fight to separate, causing wounds and confusion. They teach what no one else can.” – Donna Lynn Hope
  32. “Your soulmate doesn’t just mean your husband or your boyfriend. I have friends in my life who I believe I was meant to meet and be a part of.” – Louise Nurding
  33. “I love us for the way our eyes make love to each other’s souls.” – Christopher Poindexter
  34. “A soulmate is someone whom, when you meet, without thinking, without letting your neocortex play into the decision; you feel an instant familiarity, a sense of connection, a longing.” – Karen Salmansohn
  35. “There is a special bond between twin soulmates – unconditional love, respect for each other, bringing out the best in each other, and highly compatible.” – Mettrie L.
  36. “Soulmates tend to find each other during the respective pursuits of their soul missions. Creating a soulmate could be seen as a spiritual reward that we give ourselves, after pursuing many soul contracts rife with discord.” – Linda Brady
  37. “If you want to attract a life partner as your soulmate, there are several illusions you r will need to relinquish. One is that your soul mate is someone you will be with for the rest of your life. You can have a soul mate relationship that lasts a few weeks, months, or years. Time has nothing to do with the quality of your connection and its importance in your life.” – Sanaya Roman
  38. “Yes, it was love at first sight. I feel that after all these years, I have finally found my soulmate.” – Barbara Hershey
  39. “Giving someone a piece of your soul is better than giving a piece of your heart. Because souls are eternal.” – Helen Boswell
  40. “It’s a great relationship when you can work with the person who you consider to be your soulmate.” – Rick Derringer
  41. “Love is putting a piece of your soul into someone else’s care and being responsible for an equal share of theirs. This is soulmate love.” – P. S. Berg.
  42. “Our soulmates seldom appeal to our personality-our ego. That’s why they are called soulmates rather than ego mates.” – Carolyn Miller.
  43. “In your lifetime you will meet one person who is unlike any other, you can tell them any and everything and they won’t judge you…this person is your soul-mate, your best-friend…don’t ever let them go…” – Rashida Rowe

Idea for Using These Quotes about Soulmates

Now that you’ve read through these quotes about your soulmate — or the one you hope to find — don’t just move on to your next task. Quotes are powerful because they inspire action and change. But only if you use them. We have some ideas to help you squeeze all of the valuable juice from our list of quotes for your soulmate.

Use them as journal prompts. Write about your gratitude for your soulmate or your dreams for the one you have yet to find.

Choose a phrase as an affirmation. Find the words that speak to you, and use them as an affirmative statement to guide your actions in finding your special person.

Put one in a card or letter to your soulmate. You both know how uniquely special you are to each other, but it’s still validating to see it in words from the one you love.

Have one written in calligraphy and frame it. What a lovely gift idea for your beloved or a friend who has found their soulmate. Or give it to yourself!

Share them on social media. You likely have friends and family on your platforms who could benefit from reading these quotes. Do them a solid.

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on these thoughts about soulmates gives people a sense of purpose as well as fulfillment. Soulmates like to express their feeling for each other in ways that bring the physical essence of the soul alive. You could say two connecting minds give life more meaning and purpose. And in that state of mindful completeness, there’s comfort, freedom, compassion, and tolerance. We hope you’ll use these soulmate quotes to share with your romantic partner or spouse.

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